Monday, May 21, 2012

New Online Store! -

Towards the end of last year, I was told about a new online store that would be going live sometime in early 2012 that would cater to people that handcraft their pieces. The name is and they call themselves "The Marketplace for Makers". It's even a local company which I like even more. The site launch was delayed a bit, but it's live now and I've just recently started to update some items on the site. There are some pretty cool advantages to Goodsmith over, anyone that is a "maker" should check it out.

Please take the time to browse my wares at I will continue to have pieces at The Mansion in Des Moines, but this online store will enable people outside of the area to purchase a piece. Below are a few of the most recent items added. I'll be adding more and more items as I have time. Thanks, Jeff

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