Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcomed Inspiration

I follow quite a few blogs via Google blogger and from time to time I read something that truely inspires me to get into the shop and create something. Sometimes it's a phrase or just a word, but most of the time its a picture of someone else's work that fills my head with my own ideas for a new piece.

Today however, it was an answer that Andy Coates, of Cobweb Crafts, and Woodturning Blog posted a response to a question he recieved from a fellow turner wondering "...where 'ideas' for what he calls 'arty' turnery come from..." See Andy's full response to the question here. I found the following excerpt from his response to be particular inspiring today...

"... whatever you do or think, don’t think you can’t. Because you can. It may mean that you have to discover new techniques and methods of doing things, it may mean that you get frustrated and dispirited, it may mean you toss the resulting down the bottom of the garden and swear a lot. But I’d bet that after a few days something clicks and you’ll want to try again....

...So go on…take a bowl blank and think out of the box and stun us all"

I hope everyone that see this uses Andy's advise however they can...I also invite you to take a look at Andy's main website to see his beautiful work and the new digs he and fellow artist John Wilson have their workshops and a shared gallery in.

Thanks again for your words Andy!

1 comment:

  1. Hallo,

    that is how it goes,
    I was in the shop today turned a smal bowl from spalted beech.
    Now i'm ready for a beer.

    from Germany
